
The Negative Emissions Platform has developed a set of CDR industry commitments (“the Commitments”) that organizations in the carbon dioxide removal (CDR) space can sign up to. These address a range of aspects of CDR activity. They form a baseline for CDR industry behavior – which we expect to be a useful tool to aid the development of this very young but crucially important sector. This memorandum aims to explain the rationale for this initiative, including the value proposition and characteristics that are key to its success.

Value Proposition and Key Characteristics

  • Value Proposition


    The CDR Industry Commitments will contribute to success in meeting global climate goals, both by addressing the climate and other environmental implications of CDR activities and by building the social support required.


    The CDR Industry Commitments will contribute to building social acceptance of CDR by providing a social contract that is concise enough to be understood and that provides a yardstick against which to keep the industry accountable.

    CDR Industry

    The Commitments offer a wide range of benefits to industry leaders, including the guidance for new entrants into the community, information for key stakeholders, and credibility stemming from explicit alignment with an industry “standard”. The Commitments will constrain individual signatories, but if widely adopted, will provide systemic accountability for the sector. Similarly, the benefits to individual leaders should extrapolate to broader benefits to the industry, including trust in CDR in the wider policy maker and investor communities, and elsewhere.

  • Key Characterisics

    While they take inspiration from a number of existing initiatives, these Commitments have several key characteristics; the combination of these is what makes the Commitments new and unique:


    These are industry commitments, entered into by CDR technology companies, companies in the CDR ecosystem (e.g. buyers, marketplaces, insurers, consultants, MRV solution providers, etc), and related industry organizations (e.g. associations of companies involved in specific CDR methods). The Commitments should, where possible, have the support of the NGO and academic communities, but they are conceived as a tool to structure and discipline the CDR industry itself. They can be used by any organization in the CDR community.


    The Commitments, and endorsements and signatures to them, are entirely public – this is essential to the value proposition. Moreover, the Commitments have been developed in a public process that allowed for substantial and substantive input from civil society, government, and all the corners of the CDR community itself.

    Geographical Coverage

    The Commitments have a global vocation.

    Level of Detail

    A key dimension of the discussions that were held during the development of the Commitments was the level of detail into which they should go. The text seeks to strike a balance between, on the one hand, being high-level enough to be easily understood and broadly applicable, and on the other hand, being detailed enough to avoid excessive room for misinterpretation, misunderstanding, and circumvention.

The Commitments in Practice

Legal Aspects

These Commitments are not a legally binding statement or contract. However, signatories should understand that the Commitments are intended to constrain them, and by signing they commit themselves to undertaking good-faith efforts to comply with them.

Using the Commitments

The CDR community is free to use the Commitments in various ways, for example:

  1. As a foundational text for industry groups;

  2. As a tool for creating industry-wide disciplines;

  3. As a focus for discussions and the development of common positions as the sector evolves.

Dynamic Commitments

We recognize that climate science, technology, politics, and society are all evolving. This means that the Commitments will inevitably need to be updated in time. A process for doing is built into the text: the Negative Emissions Platform will review the text within 2 years of publication and regularly thereafter. The review process will include public consultation.

Download the Explanatory Memorandum

Become a Signatory

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